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¡m Features and Function ¡n
1. Basket, shell and safety cover are all made of stainless steel. The machine is incorporated with a pneumatic system to open/close the safety cover.W.
2. The machine has a cylinderical drum stand which has better movability, and is more flexible for handing the yam dehydration process with different kinds of yam size. The machine can save your working time of loading and unloading the yam during the dehydration operation, and shorten the yam processing time .T.
3. Since the machine is the most effective hydroextractor for the dehydration process of different yams (silk spinning and yam) it can save a large amount of drying time, and reduce the processing cost.K.
4. The machine has two types single inner net:a single and a double inner net type. Both are appropriate for yarn processing industry.