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¡m Features and Function ¡n
- Basket, shell and safety cover are all made of stainless steel. The machine is incorporated with a pneumatic system to open/close the safety cover.W.
- The machine is epuipped with inverter ac motor control. i can assure the machine will be started at very smoothly. W.U.
- This machine adopt ac inverter control, so the acceleration and deceleration time are controlled by the inverter. Which
will assure machine to be started and stopped smoothly without any vibration happened on the machine, so as to prevent the
transmission shaft get bending during the emergency stopped is required.
- The centrifugal separator has a petal curved type drum screen, and can be equipped with cylindrical drum stand to prevent defo rmation of silk string and yarn (silk spinning and yam) of any size that can save working time for loading and unloading the silk string and yarn and minimize the processing time of silk string finish and yam finish .
- Since the machine is the most effective hydroextractor for the dehydration process of different yams (silk spinning and yam) it can save a large amount of drying time, and reduce the processing cost.