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b. ¥~®M¡F±µÄ²±¬Ò¥HSUS-304©Î316¤£ù׿û§÷»s¦¨¡C¤£ù׿û±µÄ²±¸g©ß¥ú³B²z¡C
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¡m Features and Function ¡n
Normally when using traditional standard-type centrifugal separator it always needs to take the remaining solids out of the separator from the upper side after completion of liquid extraction process. However if you use the type of separator manufactured by our company, the profit you are assured to earn will include not only the time and labor saving but also the increase of productivity. W.U.T.
a. Chemical lndustry: lncluding pharmaceutics, agricultural chemicals, dyestuff, fertilizer, pigment flavor chemicals, acid/alkali compound and other kinds of chemical industry for liquid extraction and separation purpose.W.
b. Food lndustry: Food, fruit juice, salt making, sugar, starch manufacturing, glucose manufacturing and bean-paste making for separating the juice and dregs.T.
c. Metal lndustry: Liquid and oil extracting in gold-plating and oil-soaking process.
d. High Molecule Chemistry: ABS resin, urea resin, synthetic resin and others.K.
e. Public-Harm Prevention: Waste-liquids treatment.
Material:For both SUS and RL Type.
Modle LW-SS(Stainless steel)
All of surface wrought the liquid,made of SUS-304 or SUS-316 Stainless Steel.
SUS-304 Stainless Steel contact surface polish.
b.Outer Casing
All of surface wrought the liquid,made of SUS-304 or SUS-316 Stainless Steel.
SUS-304 Stainless Steel contact surface polish.
Modle LW-RL(Rubber Lining)
All of surface wrought the liquid,made of hard Rubber Lining.Mild Steel,inner and Outside by Rubber Lining.
b.Outer Casing
All of surface wrought the liquid,made of hard Rubber Lining.Mild Steel,inner and Outside by Rubber Lining.