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¡m Features and Function ¡n
- The basket of the separator is made of stainless steel and case steel SUS and is completely constructed by welding process and stainless rivet with the highest precision and lowest amount of base cake that provide a bottom-discharge type separator of superior dehydration efficiency and high production capacity.
- The PLC software program enables a fully automatic control of the system through monitor. A fully automatic and continuous operation can be achieved by installing a processing software into the system. To select the mode of continuous automatic-operation or manual operation or one-stroke operation you just need to push the Start Button once. K.
- The processing procedure can be easily changed by altering the software program(for example; liquid extraction, water rinse. Setting desired duration of separation mode and varying the duration of separation at any time whenever required without need of replacing any machine part).
- Can select automatic operation or manual operation mode (switch-over between automatic and manual mode).Possesses the function of abnormal condition message display that enables the systems instantaneously by emergent brake in case of emergency.
- This type of separator causes no clutch-oil consumption, no wear and tear of brake belt, no dust pollution, no pulley-belt driving system. No BV-type belt consumption, and has the feature of reducing the occurrence of static electricity which may cause accident, W.
- The rotating speed can be freely set within the range from 60RPM to 950RPM. (Low speed, medium speed and high speed) Adopts the Precision Regulator and Cylinder Positioner Controlled.
- The hydraulic driving system adopts the high quality hydraulic control units and parts imported from foreign countries.W.
- When the inner drum (rotating basket) is driven through low speed system (speed Reduction system), a scraper can be operated manually/automatically to discharge the separated solids out of the separator from the bottom side. The position of the scraper can be adjusted vertically in up and down direction and radially with respect to the basket to adjust the thickness of the solids scraped off from the inner drum. The scraper is made of SUS stainless steel plate which is proved to be durable to stand wear and tear. T.
- The body is designed with the protection device forthe fluid, temperature, vibratility and over electric current. All troubles will be showed on the screen, so the user can eliminate the troubles easily.K.